
New Global Missions Partner

Hey Midcurrent, Let me say thank you to everyone who joined us for our first ever YOUTH TAKEOVER Sunday at Midcurrent! It was a full house and quite possibly one of my most favorite worship experiences here at Midcurrent in these first 7+ years. The entire morning was a huge...

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Hey Midcurrent, I want to extend a special invitation to all of you to join us this Sunday for YOUTH TAKEOVER. At Midcurrent, we believe that youth today are leaders tomorrow in the church and in the world. And every Wednesday night, we have the opportunity to invest into upwards...

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Pray for MC YOUTH

Hey Midcurrent, If you have 30 extra seconds today, I am asking you to say a quick prayer for all of the students at MC Youth. This weekend, pastor Jonathan, Josh, and a team of incredibly dedicated adult volunteers are taking 56 teenagers to WINTER RUSH–an unforgettable weekend retreat designed...

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Christmas is coming!

Hey Midcurrent, There is a lot happening at church in the next ten days, and I do not want you to miss a single moment of it all. So pull your calendars out, and allow me to fill you in on all the details. –Thursday, December 19, 6:00pm: MC Kids...

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The Story of God

Hey Midcurrent, Before the craziness of Christmas and the New Year, I want to make sure to put something vital on your radar and that’s our upcoming group discipleship opportunity. This will be a special opportunity for you to grow in your understanding of God and to take another step...

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Christmas at Midcurrent

Hey Midcurrent, Thanksgiving has come and gone which means all sights are set on Christmas. Whether you start listening to Christmas music and decorating your house before or after Thanksgiving, it’s safe to say it’s all underway now. It certainly is at Midcurrent. The whole church is decorated for the...

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey Midcurrent, I want to take just a brief moment to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving. No matter what you have planned, I pray that it is a meaningful time of rest and connection with those that you love. Let me also encourage you to find some way...

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Christmas At Midcurrent 2024

We are incredibly excited for you to be our guest for Christmas at Midcurrent! We have a very special worship experience planned that we know you will enjoy. And we are incredibly confident that it will be the perfect opportunity for you to invite any family, friends, neighbors, or co-workers...

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The Holidays are here!

Hey Midcurrent, This coming Sunday is the beginning of the week of Thanksgiving. And Thanksgiving is often the kickoff to a month-long Holiday season where the pace of life picks up and most calendars are filled with extra parties, family gatherings, to-do lists, errands, and kids concerts at school. It...

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Oh what a beautiful morning!

Hey Midcurrent, One week ago, I concluded my email to you by saying how much I was looking forward to gathering together as a church to lift high the name of Jesus. Well gang, we certainly did gather together as a church this past Sunday!! Outside of holiday weekends, we...

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An election message from Pastor Sten

Hey Midcurrent, The dust is beginning to settle from what has been a long, loud, and tiresome election season. I’m not suggesting that the division we are experiencing is over, but the 2024 Presidential Election is. And so I wanted to take a moment to speak to it all briefly...

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Hey Midcurrent, It’s hard to imagine that just seven years ago…Midcurrent Church was a group of 30 people committed to creating a different kind of church in the St. Croix Valley. God has truly done unimaginable things in those short seven years…and this Sunday we got a glimpse of it...

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Circles > Rows

Hey Midcurrent, This past Sunday, I witnessed something I always find encouraging…phones coming out to take pictures of the content and big ideas up on the side screens. In both services, I saw phones snapping photos of the list of the FIVE people we all needs in our lives. Here’s...

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October at Midcurrent

Hey Midcurrent, I love when the calendar flips to September, school starts again, and life at church returns to some of its normal rhythms. But the honest truth is, a lot of churches (at least in our part of the country) don’t truly start picking up steam until October. Cabins...

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Hot tubs at church!!

Hey Midcurrent, We are just about one month away from one of my favorite Sundays every year–our anniversary. On October 13, Midcurrent will turn SEVEN years old! And not only do I love thinking back on the start of God’s work here, but I love that this is also a...

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I don’t recognize them…..

Hey Midcurrent, There’s a recurring comment I hear often these days. Whether it’s from people who have been at Midcurrent for the last seven years or even just the last seven months, they all tell me the same thing about the people they see walking through the doors on a...

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The Unofficial End of Summer

Hey Midcurrent, Despite the fact that I wish every season was summer break, the inevitable happened today. My kids went back to school. And with Labor Day weekend upon us, it really only means one thing. Summer is over. They say all good things come to an end, and I...

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Preparing to Launch!

Hey Midcurrent, I know we’re only about halfway through summer, but our team has had our sights set on fall for quite some time now. There’s no way to predict anything with certainty, but all signs point to this fall be a momentous one. And having added three new members...

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Hey Midcurrent, If you’re anything like me, the month of July feels like a huge breath of fresh air. Summer is in full swing. The kids are out of school. You may have just returned from a week of vacation or are anticipating one coming up soon. All in all, the...

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Next Gen for the Win!

Hey Midcurrent, I want to thank you for the investment you are making into the next generation of Jesus followers and leaders in the church and in the world. We are fresh off a full week of high energy fun and learning for kids in this community. We had 75 kids signed up...

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Under Water

Hey Midcurrent, If you’ve been at church in the past couple days, then you’ve seen that the whole place is underwater. And no, I’m not talking about any problems because of the rising St. Croix River out our front door. I’m talking about the fact that our entire facility has been transformed into...

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Together For Good

Hey Midcurrent, Last fall, we unveiled an exciting new partnership that we (along with two other Hudson churches) are starting with an organization called Together For Good. Together For Good creates pathways for the local church to come alongside vulnerable children and families in their greatest time of need. Together, we will we work to ensure that...

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Hey Midcurrent, The book of Ecclesiastes reminds us that there is a season for everything. And that is so very true at Midcurrent right now. We are currently in a season of great growth, but also a season of change. Less than a year ago, we added Jonathan to the pastoral team...

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A Big Week

Hey Midcurrent, I know you’ve got your hearts set on summer, the end of school, and a day on the beach or at the lake, but there’s two important dates in the next seven days that I do not want you to overlook. Sunday, May 19: This will be Brian Smith’s last Sunday as a...

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Hey Midcurrent, It has been so exciting to unveil our plans for our first ever VBS at Midcurrent–an action packed summer adventure camp for kids in this community. I have seen with my own eyes the plans coming together for this week and trust me when I tell you, your kids do not...

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Over a year ago, Brian Smith shared with us his intention to “retire,” as we have been saying, and to step down from his role as our worship director in May of 2024. And as much as we wished that day would never come, it has indeed arrived. Sunday, May...

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This Sunday at MC!

We are celebrating, this Sunday, what is quite possibly my favorite thing in the life of the church: baptism. Baptism is a public declaration of someone’s new association with Jesus. If you’ve made the decision to follow Jesus, baptism is one of the most meaningful next steps you can take.  And for every...

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One Step At A Time …

We have ONE simple goal that is the driving force behind just about every single thing we do. It is our aim to create spaces and opportunities where real people and a real God meet….and to help people take another step in a real relationship with Him. Today, I want to highlight a number of those next...

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VBS at Midcurrent!

For the last seven years, we been asked the same one question: Is there VBS at Midcurrent?  And for the first time in seven years, the answer is YES! You may be incredibly excited to hear this announcement. Or, you might be wondering, “What is VBS?!” Great question. Technically, it stands...

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What’s Next??

It was such a joy to celebrate Easter together. We welcomed more people through our doors than ever before! As exciting as that was, our hope is that Easter wouldn’t be one of the only times you connect with us. Our calendar will be full this spring–not just with events to keep...

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Easter Is Here!

Hey Midcurrent! Yes, it is still March and there is snow on the ground (here in western Wisconsin), but Easter is here! We could not be more thrilled to host three Easter services this Sunday morning, March 31 at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00.  Registration is NOT required, but if you know your plan for...

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Youth Frontiers Courage Retreat

We have said from Day 1 that we believe youth today are leaders in the world tomorrow. And so we want to do everything we can to invest into the next generation of leaders. That doesn’t apply only to students who attend Midcurrent, but to every student in the very community that we call home. That...

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Easter at Midcurrent

The calendar has officially flipped to March, and (this year) that can mean only ONE thing: Easter is almost here!! I know it feels way too early for Easter, but whether it’s late March or mid April, Easter is one of the most exciting days in the life of any church, and that...

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Can’t Do It Without You!

Hey Midcurrent, Since the very beginning, we have had one goal:  To create spaces where real people and a real God meet. In order to figure out how we do that best, this past Sunday, we looked at one of the very first times in Scripture that God’s people created a physical space...

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For The Valley!

One of the things of which I love to remind people is that God is for us…not against us.  And because God is for us, I want to the world around us to know the we, Jesus followers, are for them too. And I also want to St. Croix Valley to know the Midcurrent is for...

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New Series Starts Sunday!

For as long as I’ve been a pastor — almost 15 years now — there’s one request that I often hear from long-time Jesus followers. When it comes to the preaching and teaching in church, some will often desire that it be “deeper.”  They have been following Jesus their whole life, are familiar with all of the stories in...

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Money for Chilé! 💰

I have some fun news to share about a check we just got to write! During the month of December, we gave you the opportunity to express generosity beyond the walls of this church to organizations doing God’s work both locally and globally. One of those organizations was a sister-church in Chilé....

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MC Youth at WINTER RUSH ❄️

If you’ve spent any time around here, you know that we care a TON about the next generation. Since the very beginning, we’ve had kids filling up every inch of whatever space we have called home. And we think that’s great! Because we believe that kids and youth today are leaders tomorrow–in the...

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Thank You!

We have fully and officially turned the page on 2023. But I still feel compelled to take a moment to pause and to reflect on the year behind us. It was an amazing year full of growth, life change, friendship, connection, community, generosity and so much more. As I reflect on...

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A New Year At Midcurrent

Let me start off by wishing you a Happy New Year. 2023 was an amazing year at Midcurrent, and I truly believe there is much more in store for 2024. In fact, we’re hosting what I believe could be the biggest catalyst to the strengthening of your faith this year. It’s called Alpha, and it...

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What A Weekend!

Today I want to express my thanks to each of you who were able to join us for Christmas at Midcurrent. For all who showed up, invited friends and family, and volunteered on one of our ministry teams, you were a part of history at Midcurrent as we welcomed more...

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🎄Christmas at Midcurrent 🎄

I know we haven’t even made it through one full week of December, but I am already thinking about Christmas at Midcurrent. In what has been the most momentous year in the life of our church, we are anticipating more guests this Christmas than ever before. As a result, we are thrilled to...

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Year End Update

Hey Midcurrent, If you track with the holiday shopping schedule, my guess is that you are aware of the big three: Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday. What you may or may not be aware of is that, in the last few years, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving got a special...

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You may have heard us say a few times now that this has been one of the most momentous seasons in the life of our church. It’s true. And as I think about all that is unfolding, one thing comes to mind. Gratitude. I am grateful to God that He continues to...

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Together For Good

Hey Midcurrent, I want to extend a special invitation to you today to join us this coming Sunday as we will take the entire morning to introduce you to an organization called Together For Good. Together For Good creates pathways for the local church to come alongside vulnerable families in...

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Christmas Is In The Air!

Hey Midcurrent, My kids saw a Christmas commercial on TV the other night, and all of them screamed out loud, “It’s not even Thanksgiving yet! Why are these people talking about Christmas?!” I’ll be honest, it was a proud dad moment.  Because the reality is, this might be one of the...

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Monumental Weekend at Midcurrent

This past weekend at Midcurrent was certainly a highlight of the year.  For starters, we held our first ever Men’s Breakfast with just about 50 dudes who gathered together for a hearty breakfast as well as a challenging, and inspiring, talk about integrity.  I think I speak for just about every one of those 50 guys...

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6 Years!

We’re rapidly approaching a monumental milestone in the life of Midcurrent Church. Next Sunday, October 15, we are celebrating our 6 year anniversary! It was October 15, 2017, that we opened our doors for the first time ever at Camp St. Croix.  Sometimes I have to pinch myself to see how far we’ve...

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Midcurrent Midweek – It’s Go Time

Hey Midcurrent, You’ll be glad to know that I did indeed decide to get on my return flight home after a week of fishing in the mountains of Montana. 😉  It was a great dose of medicine for my soul. And now I’m back and ready to roll for what I believe could be...

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Midcurrent Midweek – Special August Update

August is off to a great start! For starters, our staff just attended a two-day leadership conference called the Global Leadership Summit. I think I can speak for all of us when I say we were filled with encouragement, wisdom, and valuable learning for the season of ministry ahead. It...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 7.26.23 – Something In The Air

Hey Midcurrent! I wanted to take a moment to let you know how fun this summer has been so far. Typically, summer attendance takes a dip in this part of the country. And while that has proved true this summer at Midcurrent, here’s what has also been true. We have welcomed so...

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Summer at Midcurrent ☀️

Hey Midcurrent! I know it’s not officially summer yet, but it’s about as close as we can get. It’s almost June. Temperatures are rising, and the outdoors are calling. If you’re anything like my family, you’re already dreaming about all the fun you’ll have this summer. And as you start...

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Welcome Jonathan!

Hey Midcurrent! I’ve got some exciting news to share with you. Last night, our MC Partners officially (and unanimously) confirmed Jonathan Maley as our new associate pastor of youth and discipleship!  I won’t get into all the details right now, but I will say this: This is a big deal! With MC...

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It’s Working …

I got an email this week from someone expressing their gratitude for the church we have created here in the St. Croix Valley. She shared how much her family actually looks forward to church every Sunday, which was a true answer to her prayers. She then shared a few magical...

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The Tide is Rising …

If you haven’t heard or seen yet, the St. Croix River has flooded right up to our door step. The river view from my office gets better and better every single day!! 😉 Ok…all jokes aside, it is a pretty crazy scene out in front of church and we have...

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You Were A Part of History At Midcurrent!

Easter at Midcurrent was so special this year. So let me say THANK YOU to each of you who joined us. You truly were a part of a historical Sunday at Midcurrent. For starters, you were there to take part in a celebration of the greatest event in the history of...

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Easter 2023

We can’t wait to celebrate Easter at Midcurrent and would be thrilled to have you join us on April 9 at 9:00 or 10:30. We know walking through the doors of a church can be intimidating, which is why just about everything we do is designed with you, our guest,...

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Midcurrent Midweek – Circles > Rows

I’m certain that you’ve heard us say it before, but the ONE thing we are all about is creating spaces for real people and a real God to meet. We truly hope Midcurrent is a meeting place for you and God every time you walk through our front door. At...

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Midcurrent Midweek – Welcome Lexi!

Hey Midcurrent, I’ve got some real exciting news to share with your today about one of the most important environments we create every single week: MC Kids.  Lexi Vossen has just accepted the offer to join our staff as the new MC Kids Director!! Her training in the world of...

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Year End Update

Hey friends, As I reflect on this past year, I am truly in awe of all that God has done within this place that we call Midcurrent!  Each year in our short five year history has been significant, but there is no denying it–2022 was special. We saw continued growth at a time when church growth...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 11.09.22 – The Message You’ve Been Waiting For

This past Sunday, I delivered the one message you’ve all been waiting for–the one message people look forward to all year long. It’s the most requested topic at Midcurrent today.  You have all been begging me, and pleading with me to talk about this one thing in church. And so I finally gave the talk that everyone was asking for....

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Midcurrent Midweek – It’s Party Time 🎈🎉🎈

Hey Midcurrent! Consider this midweek email your VIP invitation to a very special celebration this Sunday. Midcurrent is turning FIVE!! It’s hard for me to believe, but five years ago this very weekend, we opened the doors of Midcurrent Church for the first time ever.  It almost brings tears to my eyes to think...

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Who’s In Your Corner?

Hey Midcurrent! In his message on Sunday, Pastor Sten said that we can be completely surrounded by people, and still feel lonely. Have you ever found that to be true? I know I have. No matter what season or walk of life we find ourselves in, all of us have the desire to...

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Midcurrent Midweek – Grand Opening – 9.7.22

Hey Midcurrent! I know you’re probably asking yourself, “Grand Opening??? Hasn’t the new building been open for the last month?” And you’d be right, it has been. But this Sunday will be special. Here’s why: We have all the kinks worked out in our new home. We now have a second service which will create more...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 5.4.22. – Yes, we know…

You may have noticed that it is pretty full at church these days. In fact, you may be wondering, “Do they even realize how full and crowded it really is?”  Here’s the answer: yes, we do. We see it, and feel it, and experience it every Sunday. We know we...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 4.20.22 – What A Weekend!

Hey everyone, Midcurrent was alive this past Sunday! Could you feel it?  Not only did we celebrate that Jesus was alive, but we also witnessed a powerful video story of the new life in Christ that is being born in the lives of people right here in our own community...

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Let’s Be The Best Hosts Ever!

As if you needed a reminder that this year is flying by fast…here is your reminder that Easter is just a few days away!! With all of the growth we’ve experienced over the last few months, and in anticipation of all the guests we expect to walk through our doors...

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Silent Saturday

Pastor Sten hit it out of the park again this week. He taught us more about the events of the first Easter weekend and made such a helpful parallel for us to understand about our own lives. The Saturday between Jesus’ crucifixion and his resurrection was relatively uneventful. As Sten...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 4.6.22 – Easter at Midcurrent

Hey Midcurrent, If you have been around for the past month or so, you have experienced all the fullness, energy, and excitement of our Sunday morning worship experiences. The whole MC staff keeps saying the same thing, “It has been so fun!” It’s true. It really has been so much...

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Hey Midcurrent, I’m writing to you today regarding a significant milestone in our life as a church. This June, Midcurrent will be officially welcomed as a full standing, member congregation of the Evangelical Covenant Church! So then, you might ask, what exactly have we been for the last four years??...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 2.16.22 – It has begun!

Hey Midcurrent! I almost have to pinch myself whenever I say this out loud, but I could not be more thrilled to announce that construction has officially begun on our new home downtown!  It’s not the most glamorous of work, yet–mostly demolition, clean up, and project preparation. And we won’t...

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A reflection on Sunday’s message: Recently at Midcurrent, we’ve been talking about “Seizing Your Divine Moment”.  The 6 weeks of this series are helping me understand more deeply about the times I have asked for God’s guidance in a decision. Often, it’s when I’ve felt weary and unsure of where...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 1.19.22 – Raise ‘Em Update ⛪

Hey Midcurrent, With each passing day in 2022, we are one day closer to a potential start date for construction on our new building downtown. As a result, let me give you a few updates on where things stand.  Fundraising Goal As we unveiled this exciting new project in the...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 12.29.21 – Oh what fun….

Hey Midcurrent, The week after Christmas is a weird one. It’s hard to remember what day it is, and it can be hard to get back into the groove. On top of that, many people experience what is referred to as the post-Christmas blues. All the excitement and activity is...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 12.9.21 – Good News/Bad News

Hey Midcurrent! I just walked out of a meeting about the current state of our next home and our Raise ‘Em Up building campaign. And as the saying goes, there’s some good news and some bad news. I’ll start with the good news. We have selected a general contractor!! Typically,...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 12.02.21 – Operation HELP!

I’m sitting in Dunn Brothers as I write, and it is full-on Christmas in here. I love it! They’ve had the Christmas cups for a while now (clearly they are in the pre-Thanksgiving-Christmas-celebration camp), but now they have all the trees and ornaments and hanging wreaths. Ready or not, Christmas...

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A Rich Inner Life

I recently read a question that helped me label something that I didn’t know was missing a label. We all know that some labels are superfluous and can make things complicated, but this one sunk in for a few days and has really helped: “Do you have a rich inner...

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Incorruptibility. Read that again. I can’t say it’s a word I’ve pondered before, but wow— what magnitude. This Sunday, Pastor Sten helped us consider the real role of integrity in our lives, and most of all, its role when it is inconvenient and it will certainly cost us in some...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 11.17.21 – Christmas in November

Hey Midcurrent! By this time every year, one of the most heated debates resumes. And no, I’m not talking about Starbucks or Caribou? I’m not talking about coffee or tea (does anyone really like tea?). I’m not even talking about Vikings or Packers? I’m talking about Christmas music and whether...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 11.10.21 – Gettin’ Closer…

Hey Midcurrent! Here’s a quick update for you on our current building campaign. We currently have just shy of $400,000 pledged to raising up the walls of our new home! That is such incredible news and we are soooooo close to reaching our goal. But, we’re not there yet. I know there...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 11.03.21

Hey Midcurrent! This past Sunday will go down as one of those days that I rememberer for a very long time. It was a reminder of how exactly God is moving at Midcurrent. I am so thrilled to share with you that we are over half way to our Raise...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 10.27.21

Hey Midcurrent! I am always anxious for another Sunday for all of us to be together. But I am especially anxious for this coming Sunday. I’m am hoping it will be the first tidal-wave sized surge of momentum in our Raise ‘Em Up building campaign. Almost two weeks ago, we...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 10.21.21

Hey Midcurrent! This past Sunday was a big one. Not only did we celebrate turning four years old as a church, but it was also a pivotal week 3 in our series and building campaign Raise ‘Em Up. I read a captivating few verses from chapter 3 in the story...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 10.14.21

Hey Midcurrent! As I sit down to write today, we are less than 24 hours away from the calendar flipping to October 15. What is so special about that date you may wonder? Let me tell you. Four years ago, on October 15, 2017, we opened the doors of Midcurrent...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 9.1.21

On more than one occasion over the past year, I’ve pointed out the fact that Midcurrent continues to grow. But it has dawned on me that I haven’t taken as much time to point out the fact that our staff continues to grow as well!  Some have been hired-part time. And...

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No Filter

My littlest human turns 5 tomorrow.  Baby & toddlerhood have walked through my house & shown themselves out.  I am not honest if I tell you this doesn’t hit, though it’s a smaller Mack truck than I’d planned.  So that’s nice. One thing I will miss, besides chubby feet &...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 8.25.21

A few weeks back, I mentioned the possibility that Camp St. Croix might no longer be available to us beginning this September. A number of you have since asked, “Sten, what’s the deal with Camp St. Croix?” It’s a great question. You deserve an update. And I can finally provide...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 8.11.21

Hey Midcurrent! Not even six months ago, we stepped up to the plate, took a swing, and (honestly, much to our surprise) knocked one out of the park! What exactly am I referring to?? I’m talking about MC YOUTH!! Truthfully, COVID halted any bit of momentum from the smallest beginnings...

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Let the Dark Come

It’s like a Ferris wheel, really. The line to ride never ends:  Dental visits, soccer schedules, what my sister-in-law thought of the unfinished trim in the dining room, mama failure.  (& all this before I got out of bed this morning.) Unfriendly passengers stepping one at a time into my...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 7.28.21

When I look around church these days, it dawns on me that we have a really great problem on our hands. There are a lot of people I don’t recognize!! 🙂 Despite the unique year we just experienced in the church, we are still seeing new people walk through our...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 7.21.21

Hey Midcurrent! I truly hope you are enjoying these summer months. I, for one, have had a whirlwind month of July. I’ve spent the month doing three things primarily: speaking, vacationing, and praying.  The month began with me speaking for a week (twice a day!!!) for a couple hundred people at a...

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The Other Side of the Dark

We just wrapped up a message series called Dangerous Prayers: 1. Search Me 2. Break Me and 3. Send Me. The second one got to me – here are my thoughts. “God purifies hearts.”  ~Proverbs 17:3. I would rather He not;  let’s be honest.  I am comfortable where I am. ...

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Tappity, Tap, Tap

Last week in church, we talked about the fruit of the spirit and Jill shared her thoughts: I don’t have a good relationship with the Fruits of the Spirit.  Or, I should say, I grew up with them, went to college for them, & choke on them now & again. ...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 6.2.21

A recent study by the Barna research group found that one-in-three practicing Christians have stopped attending church during COVID-19. They defined “practicing Christians” as those who “identify as Christian, agree strongly that faith is very important in their lives and attend church at least monthly (prior to COVID).”  Among this group of...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 5.19.21

It’s seems like a year ago at this time, we were making weekly updates about COVID-19 and it’s ever-changing influence on the life of our church. Thankfully that season of unending updates and pivot came to a close. But now some 12 months later, we wanted to take a moment...

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A Tale of Two Selves

I want to tell you the story of the watermelon & the cookie cutters.  Today, a beautiful sunny day in the woods of Wisconsin {stick with me here.  it gets worse; I promise.}, my 8-year-old came into the kitchen where I was preparing lunch.  He had seen the watermelon on...

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A Dirt Path Through The Wilderness

On Sunday, Sten said these words:  “The way of Jesus isn’t always the easy way, but we follow it anyway.”  I thought maybe if we could keep reminding ourselves how very ordinary the way of Jesus is, we could make things less hard for our worn out selves.  (Here’s hoping.)...

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Midcurrent, Meet the Carlsons!

When you walk through the doors of Midcurrent Church, there’s something different in the air. It’s a sense of feeling welcome. A sense of acceptance. A sense of belonging. Midcurrent’s vision, after all, is to be a place where real people and a real God meet. But does that notion...

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This. Is. Impossible.

On Sunday, Brian had us sing about waiting on God, & Sten talked about believing God for impossible things.  This is what came of that mash-up. This. Is. Impossible. I can still see it in my 9-year-old brain, Alice standing on the squares of a giant chessboard with the White...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 4.21.21

Hey Midcurrent, Have you ever noticed how many National something Days there are?  I’ll admit, many of these seem silly to me. There are, however, a few I can get excited about. For instance, National Donut Day. Who wouldn’t be excited for that?! What about National Pancake Day? Come on…that’s good!...

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Buy Extra Batteries

This week, we talked about the Bible…these are my thoughts! -Jill We’ve gotten pretty good at flashlights at our house. The structure is old, where we live. 80+ years. Which means outlets aren’t excessive, so neither are lamps. Which means when the little ones head upstairs at bedtime, they are...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 4.14.21

Hey Midcurrent, You ever have a week when you just feel kind of…blaah?? That’s how I’ve been feeling this week. The temperatures dropped significantly from a couple weeks ago. The sun hasn’t shown its face in what feels like forever. Snowflakes were even flying a day ago!  And on top of...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 4.8.21

I wish you could see my face as I write this email because I am still smiling about Easter at Midcurrent. We checked in a record number of kids (almost 100 in total), hosted more adults in our worship experience than ever before, and we saw a notable increase to...

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Let It Creak Open

This week we talked about doors. Especially, the ones we find ourselves locked behind- fear, pride, addiction, comparison, anxiety. Because of what Jesus did on the cross, the door has been unlocked. So why is it so hard to walk through sometimes? Jill Britz shared her thoughts. I can’t remember...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 3.31

Hey Midcurrent! Easter is just a few days away, and I could not be more excited about what we have planned for you. I have been praying that many people would walk through our doors or join us online. But most of all, I have been praying that God would...

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I’d Rather Not, Thanks.

We’ve learned a lot walking through the Art of Neighboring message series….mainly, the BLESS acronym: Begin with prayer. Listen well. Eat together. And this last week, we talked about what it means to Serve. Jill Britz shared her thoughts with us… I’d Rather Not, Thanks. Maybe “serve” isn’t a wrecked...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 3.24.21

Hey Midcurrent! I just spent the morning discussing all sorts of details for Easter at Midcurrent. And I wish I could devote this entire email to tell you why I am so excited and why you need to be there! But I’ll have to save that email for next week...

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Heart, Not House

[Written by Jill Britz] As I listened to Sten’s message about Who Is At Our Table, I thought about what keeps us from opening our doors in the first place.  These words came from there.  “Heart, not house” My couch is outdated, though. And I have a dog.  Some people don’t like...

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Middcurrent Midweek – 2.24.21

Hey Midcurrent! There is an announcement I have been wanting to make so badly over the last month. The difficult part was the confirmation we were still waiting for, as well as the final t’s needing to be crossed and i’s needing to be dotted. So I had to hold...

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Hindsight is 2020 – Jill’s Story

  Back in January we went through a 2 week series called ‘Hindsight is 2020’ and some shared stories of the year that was and how they saw God moving throughout.  Jill Britz shared some incredible wisdom to kick off the series, don’t miss a single word of what she...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 2.10.21 – It Takes A Village!

Hey Midcurrent! This past Sunday, I stopped downstairs into MCKIDS while we were prepping Camp St. Croix for church that morning. My daughter, Lucy, was standing in front of a giant piece of paper taped to the wall with a marker in her hand. She was preparing an activity for...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 2.3.21

Hey Midcurrent! For two Sundays in a row, just last month, neither Erica nor I were at Midcurrent assuming our typical roles for the morning. But this past Sunday, both of us were back at it–me preaching upstairs and Erica teaching in MCKIDS downstairs. Erica will admit, she was nervous....

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Midcurrent Midweek – 1.27.21

Hey Midcurrent! If you’ve been around for the last couple weeks, you know that I haven’t been. But after a week of some rest and relaxation with my family, I’m excited to say, “I’m back!!!” But before I get too far ahead of myself, let me first pause and say...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 1.13.21

Hey friends! I am currently reviewing all things 2020 at Midcurrent. And despite the constant uncertainty of the year behind us, one of the things I am so mindful of is your continued faithfulness and generosity to God’s work at Midcurrent. Sure, Midcurrent looked and felt different last year. And...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 12.16

Hey Midcurrent! If you were able join us last week, in-person or online, you might be interested to know that I am writing this update from my home office…nervously anticipating one of my kids to come peak through the double doors interrupting me while I work. (Ok, I promise I...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 12.9

It’s is hard to imagine that we are nearing the end of the year. And what a wild year it has been!! With everything we have experienced in the world, things in the Church world have looked a bit different. Church interest, engagement, and attendance have all been affected. In...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 12.2

Whether you grew up in church or not, you may know that the four weeks leading up to Christmas is known as the season of Advent. That all started this past weekend. In the Carlson home, we kicked off this season in the same we have for the last few...

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Sermon Notes – 11.29.20

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Be wise in...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 11.25

This past Sunday, we had the opportunity to support families right here in the St. Croix Valley who need a little extra assistance to ensure that the things their kids need, and wished for, are under the tree this Christmas.  I’m not gonna lie, I was nervous that we bit...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 11.18

I can’t even count, over the last few months, how many times I’ve asked myself “I wonder if __________ is open right now?” These days, it’s a totally valid question as our communities continue to adapt and navigate to the realities we are experiencing. Well, I don’t want any of...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 11.4

Hey Midcurrent! Every summer, my mom’s entire side of the family spends a week at a Bible camp in Michigan. Each winter, the camp reveals the summer theme for the new season. Last winter, they revealed the theme for the upcoming summer of 2020. It was Into the Unknown. Little did they...

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Sermon Notes – ONE Wk1

In the final moments before his arrest, and eventual death on a cross, Jesus prayed for US. His one prayer request is that we would experience unity despite our diversity. WHY? Because Jesus knew that if we are ONE, we’ll get the attention of a world that needs to know...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 10.28

In less than a week now, it will be…drum roll please….. Election Day! Who is excited?! Anyone hosting a watch party and inviting everyone they know?!? Ok, let’s be honest… that’s not happening. Most of us can’t even watch Viking/Packer games together let alone watching the most divisive election in...

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Midcurrent Stories: Jerod & Hannah

Last Sunday, we celebrated the stories of God’s work in the lives of four people who have found at home at Midcurrent. We want to share two of those stories with you today. 

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Midcurrent Midweek – 10.21

Hey Midcurrent! This last Sunday, we celebrated three years since we first opened the doors of our church! Whether you were with us in-person or online, we were so glad to have you a part of all the excitement for this incredible milestone. I think my favorite part of the...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 10.15

I woke up this morning and checked the time on my cell phone. It was 6:00am–a pretty typical time for me to roll out of bed. Nothing special there. But there was one other measurement of time that did catch my attention. Just below the time on the home screen...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 10.7.20

I want to keep you as informed as possible as we continue to navigate church life together this fall. By now, you may have heard that the state of Wisconsin issued a mandate to limit indoor gatherings to 25% of the room capacity. Although churches are exempt from that mandate,...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 9.24.20

We’re two weeks into holding church in-person AND online, and I just wanted to take a moment this week to say, “Thank you!” Thank you for hanging in there with us throughout the last six months. Thank you for your prayers for my family and for our church family. Thank...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 9.16.20

It may have been like no fall kick-off we have ever experienced before, but I for one was excited to see what took place last Sunday. We gathered in-person and online as ONE church to set our hearts and minds on God and the ways He is moving in our...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 9.9.20

Hey Midcurrent, This is it!! Our doors are opening at Camp St. Croix once again this Sunday morning at 10:30am, and we are incredibly excited to welcome you back and to be together again! I want to let you know that we are not choosing to meet together again because we are...

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Re-opening & COVID-19

As we do re-gather in the midst of this season, things will look slightly different. Church leadership, staff, and volunteers (from our musicians upstairs to our MC Kids team downstairs and everyone in between) all respond differently to what it is we are experiencing in the world today. And that’s...

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Women’s Breathe Retreat: 2020

We asked. You answered! And what we learned is that, despite the uncertainty of the year 2020, women are craving the spiritual, emotional, and relational opportunity to escape for the 2020 Midcurrent women’s Breathe Retreat. As with all things in 2020, we are working hard to ensure a safe and...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 9.3.20

Hey Midcurrent!  I turned my back for one second, and just like that… it’s sweatshirt weather! Now I’m never one to wish summer away, but I will admit, I do like the changing of the seasons. There is a lot to like about fall, and for many of us there is comfort in routine and the...

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