Midcurrent Midweek – 10.14.21

Hey Midcurrent!

As I sit down to write today, we are less than 24 hours away from the calendar flipping to October 15. What is so special about that date you may wonder? Let me tell you.

Four years ago, on October 15, 2017, we opened the doors of Midcurrent for the very first time!

I am amazed at all that has taken place in those four years.

  • Midcurrent has grown
  • We’ve even outgrown our home at Camp St. Croix
  • Kids have been dedicated to Lord
  • Many have been baptized making a public declaration of a new association with Jesus
  • Youth have been encouraged and equipped to be the leaders God created them to be
  • Marriages, families, and individuals have built their lives around Jesus
  • The hungry have been fed
  • The thirsty have been given clean water to drink
  • The refugee has been clothed
  • Those without a home have been given a roof over their head

The list of what God has done in and through Midcurrent Church could go on. And all of it has been possible because of a loving God and because of each and every one of you who is committed to reaching more people with the grace and good news of Jesus.

It’s all a cause for celebration and that’s exactly what we plan to do THIS Sunday. If you have ever been a part of Midcurrent, or if you have been a friend or fan of Midcurrent at any point along the way, we’d love to invite you to celebrate with us.

Not only will we be turning four, but we will also be in a momentous and pivotal week number three of our current message series and building campaign, Raise ‘Em Up.

I would be so thrilled to have you join us.

10:30am // Camp St. Croix // YouTube.com/midcurrentchurch




Pastor Sten

P.S. If you are curious to learn more about our Raise ‘Em Up campaign, you can find all the videos, pictures, and campaign resources at midcurrentchurch.org/raiseemup