
Christmas is coming!

Hey Midcurrent, There is a lot happening at church in the next ten days, and I do not want you to miss a single moment of it all. So pull your calendars out, and allow me to fill you in on all the details. –Thursday, December 19, 6:00pm: MC Kids...

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The Story of God

Hey Midcurrent, Before the craziness of Christmas and the New Year, I want to make sure to put something vital on your radar and that’s our upcoming group discipleship opportunity. This will be a special opportunity for you to grow in your understanding of God and to take another step...

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Christmas at Midcurrent

Hey Midcurrent, Thanksgiving has come and gone which means all sights are set on Christmas. Whether you start listening to Christmas music and decorating your house before or after Thanksgiving, it’s safe to say it’s all underway now. It certainly is at Midcurrent. The whole church is decorated for the...

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Christmas At Midcurrent 2024

We are incredibly excited for you to be our guest for Christmas at Midcurrent! We have a very special worship experience planned that we know you will enjoy. And we are incredibly confident that it will be the perfect opportunity for you to invite any family, friends, neighbors, or co-workers...

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The Holidays are here!

Hey Midcurrent, This coming Sunday is the beginning of the week of Thanksgiving. And Thanksgiving is often the kickoff to a month-long Holiday season where the pace of life picks up and most calendars are filled with extra parties, family gatherings, to-do lists, errands, and kids concerts at school. It...

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What A Weekend!

Today I want to express my thanks to each of you who were able to join us for Christmas at Midcurrent. For all who showed up, invited friends and family, and volunteered on one of our ministry teams, you were a part of history at Midcurrent as we welcomed more...

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🎄Christmas at Midcurrent 🎄

I know we haven’t even made it through one full week of December, but I am already thinking about Christmas at Midcurrent. In what has been the most momentous year in the life of our church, we are anticipating more guests this Christmas than ever before. As a result, we are thrilled to...

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Year End Update

Hey Midcurrent, If you track with the holiday shopping schedule, my guess is that you are aware of the big three: Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday. What you may or may not be aware of is that, in the last few years, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving got a special...

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Christmas Is In The Air!

Hey Midcurrent, My kids saw a Christmas commercial on TV the other night, and all of them screamed out loud, “It’s not even Thanksgiving yet! Why are these people talking about Christmas?!” I’ll be honest, it was a proud dad moment.  Because the reality is, this might be one of the...

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