New Series Starts Sunday!

For as long as I’ve been a pastor — almost 15 years now — there’s one request that I often hear from long-time Jesus followers. When it comes to the preaching and teaching in church, some will often desire that it be “deeper.”  They have been following Jesus their whole life, are familiar with all of the stories in the Bible, and quite knowledgable about Scripture in general. So, often times they have a desire for more advanced preaching on theological matters and Biblical interpretation.

Now let me be clear, I think that is an admirable desire.  There can be some really powerful discussion and learning when we explore faith and following Jesus in this way. And there is certainly a time and place for that in church. And yet, as I step back and evaluate the state of Christianity in the world today, I’m not sure it’s advanced theology that we’re missing. I’m not sure that the world around us is skeptical about Jesus or Christianity because of our inability to articulate the finer intricacies of Old Testament themes and how they reappear in particular New Testament passages of Scripture.  What I think is missing is a recommitment to some of the basic pillars of following Jesus. And that’s what we’ll focus on in our brand new series, Back to the Basics. We’ll spend the next month discussing the fundamentals of faith. If we can get these right, I think our faith will flourish and make a difference in the world around us.

I have often said that the deepest thing we can do is to take simple truth from Sunday and apply it to our lives on Monday. Our new series will provide opportunities to do just that every single week. I hope you’ll be a part of it all.

See you this Sunday for Week 1.

9:00am & 10:30am // 200 First Street //