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Midcurrent Midweek – 2.23.22 – Still Smiling 😊

Hey Midcurrent!

A few days have already passed, but I am still smiling at the thought of all we celebrated on Sunday. We had the opportunity to dedicate 15 kids to Lord! That’s 15 kids we dedicated to God’s care and to God’s service in the world. And that’s a total of 12 families that stepped forward to indicate their intention to raise their kids to know and follow Jesus. That is so worth celebrating! And to me, it’s a small glimpse of the reality that our church, our community, and our world is going to be in good hands with so many young families who desire to honor God with their lives.

We also welcomed through our doors more people at one service than we ever have before in the history of Midcurrent! That absolutely blows my mind. But it’s not attendance records that gets me excited. What really gets me excited is the the fact that more people–real, everyday people–and a real God had a chance to meet in powerful ways. If you were with us onsite or online, I hope you felt God near to you and maybe even speaking to you in real ways.

If you didn’t have a chance to be with us on Sunday or even if it’s been a while since you’ve been to Midcurrent–or any church for that matter– I want you to know that our doors are always open to you, and we’ll always have a seat saved for you. Consider this as my invitation to you! This is a really exciting time to be a part of all that God is doing at Midcurrent.

  • We’ll be moving very soon into a home of our very own
  • Sundays are continually full of life, people, and excitement for how God is at work
  • MC Kids is truly becoming the place to be for kids on Sunday morning
  • 14 teenagers will be away this weekend for our first ever MC Youth winter retreat
  • Roughly 75 people are currently connected in a small group or one of our various MC Circles

For all of it, and so much more, I give thanks to God for all that He is doing. And I give thanks for all of you and the ways you are responding to God’s movement in your life, in your family, and in our church.

I would love to see you this Sunday for week 5 of our series Seizing Your Divine Moment. If you’ve ever prayed for a “sign” from God, you’ll want to make sure you’re there as we’ll discover what kinds of signs and directions God really does give to us.

10:30am // Camp St. Croix //

Photo Credit: Jenny Loew Photography