Posted on December 16, 2020 Posted By: Brian Smith
Categories: Midweek
Hey Midcurrent!
If you were able join us last week, in-person or online, you might be interested to know that I am writing this update from my home office…nervously anticipating one of my kids to come peak through the double doors interrupting me while I work. (Ok, I promise I am not lying…that literally just happened as I typed the previous sentence)!!
However, after learning more about Mary’s response to the major interruption she experienced over 2000 years ago, I am trying to embrace all interruptions, big and small, in a whole new way. Each one very well could be an invitation to something that God wants me to notice today. I’m praying you too might see interruptions as God’s invitations to you as well. That’s what Week 2 of our current message series was all about. This Sunday, I’m looking forward to putting ourselves in Joseph’s place to get at glimpse of his world at the time of the very first Christmas!
Now, here’s two important dates I need to mention.
December 27–Church online: The Sunday directly following Christmas, we’ll be holding church exclusively online. We have been incredibly encouraged with all of the increasing energy and excitement at Camp St. Croix the last few months. And we can’t wait to keep it all going in 2021. And yet, we know that Christmas weekend will be a busy one for so many of you. We also want to give our staff and volunteers a chance to catch their breath after all the hard work they pour into Christmas Eve Eve on Wednesday. So on Sunday December 27, stay in your PJ’s, brew some coffee, cook up some pancakes, and tune in for church online and our last Sunday together in 2020.
December 23–Christmas Eve Eve: We are just ONE WEEK AWAY from opening our doors (and internet browsers) to our community for Christas Eve Eve at Midcurrent. We’ve got two service options: 4:00pm and 6:00pm. If you plan to join us in-person, you can help us out and RSVP HERE. You’ll also want to make sure to invite a friend or neighbor. 2020 has been a year like no other. Perhaps this Christmas could be a Christmas like no other for someone important in your life.