Midcurrent Midweek – 11.4

Hey Midcurrent!

Every summer, my mom’s entire side of the family spends a week at a Bible camp in Michigan. Each winter, the camp reveals the summer theme for the new season. Last winter, they revealed the theme for the upcoming summer of 2020. It was Into the Unknown. Little did they know how accurate that theme would prove to be as summer 2020 arrived. They ultimately canceled the week I was planning to spend there with my family, as well as all of their regularly scheduled summer programs, because there was simply too much that was….unknown. 

I don’t know about you, but Into the Unknown feels like it could be the theme, not just for a summer camp in Michigan, but for our entire nation. As if we needed any more uncertainty, we are now forced to patiently await the results of one of the most contentious and grueling elections in recent history.

If you’re anxious, I’m not surprised. 
If you’re confused, you’re not alone.
If you’re exhausted, join the club. 
If you’re a Jesus follower…we need you!

Midcurrent, if there was ever a time when the Church (and by “Church” I mean, you and me) could be an unstoppable and irresistible force for good in the world, it’s NOW! A divided nation needs to see a united Church. They need to see that we are hope dealers and not blame casters. They need to see that we don’t sacrifice our character for our candidate. They need to see that our hope is in something far greater than a political candidate. And most of all, they need to see that even in the face of uncertainty (and maybe especially in the face of loss–should your candidate or mine not prevail) our confidence is not shaken in the God we serve and the ways He is at work around us.

Friends, I am hoping I can count on you to help lead the way in our little slice of the Kingdom here in the St. Croix Valley. As I said on Sunday along with pastors all over the country…your political candidate will win or lose based on how Americans voted on Tuesday. The Church will win or lose based on how Jesus followers act every single day after. Midcurrent, we can’t afford to not get this right.

As much as I wish it wasn’t true, I think Into the Unknown is going to be our theme for a little while longer. So let’s all lean a little harder on what it is we do know. God is still on the throne. He’s not thrown off guard by anything we’re experiencing. And he promised us that he would be with us and that he would never leave us or forsake us. 

For today, that’s good enough for me.

Hope you can join us for week two in our series, ONE. I want to attempt to reframe the differences that exist between us so that we might see them in a whole new way. 

10:30 am // Camp St. Croix // midcurrent.online.church
