Hey Midcurrent,
I’ve got some real exciting news to share with your today about one of the most important environments we create every single week: MC Kids.
Lexi Vossen has just accepted the offer to join our staff as the new MC Kids Director!! Her training in the world of early childhood education, plus her heart for God and her commitment to the way He is moving at Midcurrent, make Lexi the perfect fit for this new season of ministry ahead.
Lexi’s fingerprints are already all over MC Kids from her time as a volunteer, an intern, as well as an interim director, and we could not be more excited to permanently add her to our team. And we could not be more confident of the new trail she will blaze as well.
And in the midst of some of the change happening in MC Kids recently, you can rest assured that one thing will always be the same. We believe kids today are leaders tomorrow and we will do everything we can to raise up the next generation of Jesus-following leaders in the world.
When you see Lexi next, make sure to give her a high five and an official welcome to Midcurrent!
And make sure to join us this Sunday as we begin a brand new message series called I Do. We’ll take the month of February to learn more about how we strengthen one of the most important relationships in the world– marriage. I recognize not everyone at Midcurrent is married. But I also recognize that those who are not quite possibly will be married someday, while others of you still play a vital role of support in the marriages of friends and family close to you. As a result, I think it will be really helpful for all of us to learn more about what it takes to make a marriage thrive.
9:00am & 10:30am // 200 First Street // YouTube.com/MidcurrentChurch