
Preparing to Launch!

Hey Midcurrent, I know we’re only about halfway through summer, but our team has had our sights set on fall for quite some time now. There’s no way to predict anything with certainty, but all signs point to this fall be a momentous one. And having added three new members...

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Can’t Do It Without You!

Hey Midcurrent, Since the very beginning, we have had one goal:  To create spaces where real people and a real God meet. In order to figure out how we do that best, this past Sunday, we looked at one of the very first times in Scripture that God’s people created a physical space...

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For The Valley!

One of the things of which I love to remind people is that God is for us…not against us.  And because God is for us, I want to the world around us to know the we, Jesus followers, are for them too. And I also want to St. Croix Valley to know the Midcurrent is for...

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Together For Good

Hey Midcurrent, I want to extend a special invitation to you today to join us this coming Sunday as we will take the entire morning to introduce you to an organization called Together For Good. Together For Good creates pathways for the local church to come alongside vulnerable families in...

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Midcurrent Midweek – 4.21.21

Hey Midcurrent, Have you ever noticed how many National something Days there are?  I’ll admit, many of these seem silly to me. There are, however, a few I can get excited about. For instance, National Donut Day. Who wouldn’t be excited for that?! What about National Pancake Day? Come on…that’s good!...

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I’d Rather Not, Thanks.

We’ve learned a lot walking through the Art of Neighboring message series….mainly, the BLESS acronym: Begin with prayer. Listen well. Eat together. And this last week, we talked about what it means to Serve. Jill Britz shared her thoughts with us… I’d Rather Not, Thanks. Maybe “serve” isn’t a wrecked...

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