The Story of God

Hey Midcurrent,

Before the craziness of Christmas and the New Year, I want to make sure to put something vital on your radar and that’s our upcoming group discipleship opportunity. This will be a special opportunity for you to grow in your understanding of God and to take another step in your relationship with Jesus.

Starting on Thursday, January 9th, we’re hosting a nine week video series called The Story of God. This is a group-discipleship opportunity where we’ll travel chronologically from Genesis to Revelation, in order to discover Jesus on every page of the Bible.

No matter where you are on your faith journey, this nine week study will help you discover how and where you join Jesus in that big story.

Registration is live on the Church Center app or by clicking THIS LINK.

And while you are online, don’t forget to RVSP for Christmas at Midcurrent. We have four services all lined up for what we believe will be a special time together.

Monday, December 23 at 4:30 & 6:30pm
Tuesday, December 24 at 4:30 & 6:30pm
Registration is NOT required, but if you know when you plan to attend, we’d be glad to have you let us know so we can prepare our team to be the best host possible. As of now, December 24 at 6:30pm looks to have the most availability to provide you the most comfortable visit to Midcurrent. But whenever you can join us, we’ll be glad to welcome you through our front doors this Christmas.

Hope to see you this Sunday too as Pastor Jonathan brings a close to our series What a Gift!
9:00am & 10:30am // 200 First Street //
