I don’t recognize them…..

Hey Midcurrent,

There’s a recurring comment I hear often these days. Whether it’s from people who have been at Midcurrent for the last seven years or even just the last seven months, they all tell me the same thing about the people they see walking through the doors on a Sunday morning:

“I don’t recognize them!!” 

Now for the record, this is a good problem to have! It means people are coming from far and wide in hopes of meeting God in the space we create every Sunday morning. It also means we have a great opportunity to strengthen the connections we have with those sitting next to us or passing us in the lobby on Sunday morning.  I really think the strength of our church rests in the strength of our genuine connection to one another.

That is exactly why we created MC Connections. This is a fun, four week environment designed to help other people know your name and to help you know the name and the story of someone sitting next to you. And if you are new to Midcurrent, this is the perfect place for you this fall. But I also want to make something clear. MC Connections is not for new people only. We don’t want new people only meeting other new people at church. We want new people to meet core members and attenders of the church. We want new people to get to know those who helped start Midcurrent Church seven years ago as well as those who have strengthened Midcurrent Church at every other stage along the way. We don’t want a church of “new vs. old” or “us vs. them.” We want to be ONE church that comes together every week in the name of Jesus. MC Connections is one way to do just that. And it starts Thursday, September 19.

Each week, we’ll share a meal, probably a few laughs too, and be guided in a simple conversation that is designed to help us get to know one another better. And childcare is provided!

The more the merrier! So sign up HERE today!! 🙂

Hope to see you Sunday for Week 2 in our series SHOW UP.

9:00am and 10:30am // 200 First Street // YouTube.com/midcurrentchurch
